Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break! Or is it?

I woke up this morning only to look out my window and see SNOW! So much for "Spring" break.

I feel that this spring break has been very rewarding. I have done two events this break...the Reality Check with Danvers High seniors and the NCBI training. I enjoyed doing both of these events because I love to work with people within a group setting. I have been so busy this break with school work and the regular life stresses that I just need a day to myself or a real vacation! I wish I could of gone away like everyone else does when they are a freshman in college! I feel kind of left out. When everyone comes back from Canada or Aruba and asks what I did this vacation, I am going to tell them I sat in my kiddie pool in my backyard during the warm days and read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I wonder what they will think of me?
To be completely honest, I cannot wait for school again on Monday! I miss my friends so much! Everyone is off busy doing their own I want to hear about your vacation experience! I hope it was more eventful and exciting than mine!


  1. Not everyone gets to go away for spring break. I spent the first two days sick with a noro virus puking my guts out then cleaned my apartment and worked. Welcome to life in the fast lane! Just think, in another 45 years I can retire!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that! A noro virus has hit a lot of places from what I've heard, I hope you're feeling better!

    Altogether break was good and retirement cannot come soon enough! :)
