Friday, March 12, 2010

TALENT SHOW: APRIL 2ND ...wait --what!? where?!

Hello everyone,
I've recently been interested in the talent show--- and I know it's going to be a huge success!
I've been at 2 talent show auditions, and all I've seen were great! Unfortunately, not many people showed up... and I personally think not many people knew about it.

When going to classes and walking around the school in my Presidential Scholar shirt, people were asking me what club I was from, and of course, I told them the Presidential Scholars. Then, they asked me what I was doing in the program, and I told them that currently, ---- the talent show auditions. Most reactions were the same, "what? there's a talent show?".

I know the students and faculty advertise and work hard to try and let everyone know of these things, but something is just not working. I would think, that a college of thousands would get more of a response with this type of event. Just in my speech class alone, some students spoke about talents/activities, and hobbies they participate in or do. One student loved to breakdance, and even showed the class some of his skills, while another student's musical talents were impressive considering he has recorded a CD in a professional recording studio, and is considered somewhat of a celebrity in certain parts of South America. Neat, huh?

Honestly, sometimes I'm in a rush, and do not check the Pipeline bulletins, and do not have time to check out signs around the buildings.
What about the Presidential Scholars? Our group could maybe make announcements in classes before class? What do you all think about this? Would students like to be aware about certain major events by word of mouth rather than leaving it up to finding it out?
Sorry if I seem negative, but it's sort of sad that not a lot of people know about certain things. hmmmm...




  2. You hit the nail on the head!! A college of thousands...yet very few participate in anything! Not to sound like being a Presidential Scholar isn't rewarding, but would you attend events and participate if you were not obligated to do so? If so, which ones? Or if you do currently participate in a club, which one? and why?
